Orders and returns


You may cancel your order for any reason before delivery or within 7 days after delivery by getting in contact with us, either by phone or by email. You need not disclose the reason for return. This is subject to the following conditions:

- The product must be unused, as new and as sold, in re-saleable condition and returned in the original packaging. Please note we will only refund full orders as sold, we do not accept returns of part pack/individual tiles/split pallets.

- The customer is responsible for ensuring that the product is packed appropriately for transit.

- We will require a photograph showing the location and the condition of the product prior to confirming the collection and return of the goods.

- Two way transport costs will be deducted from the refund amount as it is a 3rd party transport service. You will receive the refund of the price paid less relevant collection costs (Starting from £65 per pallet depending on your location) and re-stocking charges. Please call us to discuss.

- Any perishable item cannot be returned.

- We cannot collect damaged product. Customers are advised to dispose of any damaged product once replacements have been organized.


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